How many of you like to sew or make quilts just for the act of doing it, not because you need something?
Raise my hand! I do. I do. I just love the act of sewing, always have and always will.
Sometimes, what I sew never turns into a finished product.
But, I don't consider it a waste of time. I consider all my sewing constructive.
Now, this last week, I actually started and finished a new baby quilt. I had an idea and it seemed smarter to try it out on a very small project than a larger one. I used my Stitching Lines to make a small Slanted Star quilt. It went pretty fast. I chose a bunch of batik scraps, some Kona white and a cute little baby print I found somewhere.

Isn't it funny how the stars look different from various angles.

Then I got an idea to change the border, so I started another quilt.
And then I got a really smart idea.
With this quilt, I need to lay out the colors before any sewing. Each row depends on the colors used in the adjacent rows.
And my floor space was too cluttered.
I don't have wall space for a design wall.
So, I had a brilliant idea. Why not use my closet doors.
Did you know that green Frog tape (similar to blue painter's tape) does not keep batting stuck to the wall overnight?

Yep, this is what I found in the morning. All on the floor. It took me a good hour or so to figure out what I had already done. This time on a flat surface!!!