I had a very nice birthday yesterday. Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday.
In the afternoon, I got to do one of my favorite things. We went looking at houses for Carol and Doug. They are contemplating buying their first house. So we went out and looked at five houses. They didn't find anything they really liked, so Carol and I are going out again this afternoon.
Doug would prefer that Carol prescreen the houses before he looks. That's OK.
Then in the evening Andy, Jill and Carol and Doug took Dave and me to dinner at the Catamaran restaurant in Mission Beach. That was a very special treat. Afterwards, we took the ferry across Mission Bay. It was a little chilly coming back, but it was a fun adventure. I'd never gone on the ferry before.
It was getting late when we got back to Jill's apartment (lucky girl.....she lives about 100 steps from the beach, and right across the street from the restaurant).So, I just had time to open my gift from Jill. She made me some beautiful hand soaps with pretty flowers on top. And Carol and Doug had given me a beautiful bouquet of yellow tulips.