Boxes are stacked, the entryway is a mess, the hallway is a mess. Everything is a mess! That's what happens when I get ready for a show. Tomorrow I leave for the
Santa Monica Quilt Guild Show. Set-up is at 2, and the doors open on Saturday and Sunday at 10. Andy and Carol are both going up with me. It could get a little crowded in the 10 x 10 space. But I am thrilled that they are both interested in what I do. Carol loves the "playing store" aspect of the whole thing. She's the money-man, although I did get her to do a little demonstrating at the sewing machine last time. Wow, was that a shocker, pleasant but quite a surprise.
With all this. I finally got around to writing directions for my next free block pattern for my Computer Desk pattern. It's called Cubbyhole.
I apologize that it is so late, probably 6 weeks late!